Saturday, February 10, 2007

Yerke's going to Conneticut

Well we are in Cedar City today. Just about the first question we asked was have you decided on which school to attend.

Craig said he sent his accptance letter to Hamden Conneticut. Which is 15 minutes North of Yale. Yale is in North Haven.

School begins on May 30. So they have less than a month off.

Roene's Funeral

We traveled to Huricane this Saturday for the funeral of Roene Reeve.

We learned alot and heard alot. They were marvelous things. They were so marvelous they are unrepeatable. I cannot remember all of them. But I do know of a scripture that speaks of these things.

3 Nephi 17:15-17 "And when he had said these words ... and the things which he prayed cannot be written, and the multitude did bear record who heard him. And after this manner do they bear record: The eye hath never seen neither hath the ear heard, before, so great and marvelous things as we saw and heard Jesus speak unto the Father. "

I wish you all could have been there and participated.