Monday, June 12, 2006

Snow man in PG

The snow was deep that day my friend.

One day it really snowed. And we worried about the Nelsons shoveling the snow, so we went up to PG and helped them. While we were there I noticed the snow was perfect for making a snow man. You know the kind, when you roll it, it sticks to the bottom of the rolled ball.

So we were off and rolling. Before we knew it we had one as tall as me. Then he to have some personality, so we added arms, buttons, a big smile, Dewey supplied a hat.

Then his nose was stuck up way in the air. So we mimicked him by sticking up our nose in the air. We look good don't we? When was the last time you made a snowman/snowwoman/character/object?

Ann said they have not had a snowman in their yard since Logan. How many years has this been? (Roslie said, 'Oh we have had thousands of snowmen in our yard', but that is when it was their home.

Doesn't it look great to look at the snow when it is so hot out now days? Who wants to go snow camping with me?

How come it took all this time to get the film developed? Or I would have put this picture up sooner.
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