After all the ice us kids could eat we decided to get rowdy. We jumped off beds, wrestled each other and chomped ice. The phone rang after a few minutes of us kids exercising.
“This is the manager. Will you please control whoever is making all the noise up there.”
“Okay we will keep them quiet.”
After this conversation took place twice the kids were sent to bed. I jumped on the bed and tried to steal as much of the covers as possible. My brother got next to me and then my sister next to him. They soon stole the covers back from me and we were trying not to smell that fake new smell.
“Paul you had better not wet the bed tonight,”I said.
“Oh yeah, this just might be my only chance,”said my younger brother.
“Will you three be quiet,”ordered Mom.
Pretty soon Mom and Dad had turned in too and the room was dark. All that nice exercise of picking on my younger brother and sister had tuckered me out and I fell asleep.
I didn’t sleep very well considering the threat of the bed wetter next to me and the almost noiseless hum of the air conditioner. I woke up one time in the night when I heard a large thump. I didn’t think anything of it at the time and tried to sleep again.
The next morning I was the first to wake everyone else up by hitting my brother and us wrestling on the bed.
“How did you three sleep?”asked Dad.
“Pretty good except for the loud thump that hit the floor,”I said.
“Oh, that was just your Mom falling out of the bed from laughing,”said Dad.
“Well why did she fall off the bed?”we all asked.
“She just couldn’t stop laughing and wouldn’t go to sleep,”said Dad. “I asked her if she was a truck driver and she thought that was so funny rolled right out of bed.”
My mom just laughed at the story.
“A truck driver!”
“It looks like mom had the Wakies,”said my little sister.
“I guess so
Hey, John, I like the fabricated part about me wetting the bed. That was real cool...
The test to find out if someone has the wakies is to ask them if they are a truck driver. If they can answer with a straight face they do not have the wakies.
If they do have the wakies they will not be able to answer and will laugh and gigle continually.
Oh, where do we keep that story. Well there are a great many files left on hard drives. When you move out you should take these files with you or they may be saved and used at some future time.
"if peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles..."
you know the line Johnny-John
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