Current events, thoughts, and items -- to be shared with my family, and friends. Let us make this BLOG a ZION in the midst of Babylon
Current events, thoughts, and items -- to be shared with my family, and friends.
Let us make this BLOG a ZION in the midst of Babylon
Attention! the main reactor is about to explode! evacuate immediately. evacuate immediately. proceed to the escape pods immediately.
It does look like the star ship enterprise...except dirtier, and a lot colder.
Well, if one is flying is space it has to be cold. You should see what we wear when we go outside the ship to make repairs.
Let me guess, bikinis?
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Attention! the main reactor is about to explode! evacuate immediately. evacuate immediately. proceed to the escape pods immediately.
It does look like the star ship enterprise...except dirtier, and a lot colder.
Well, if one is flying is space it has to be cold. You should see what we wear when we go outside the ship to make repairs.
Let me guess, bikinis?
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