Saturday, February 11, 2006

Blessing of GH

Well, when I was called as financial clerk, they were difficult times. It was pretty slim pickins. (I was looking for work at the time.) I would go up to Uncle Waynes once per week, Raquel was working, etc.

Then I received this calling to be the financial clerk. I had done my part and learned as much as I could from the manuals and previous clerk. Then it was the High Council assignment to set me apart. It just so happend that the HC was Mike Patterson, my Home Teacher.

Well the usual comments were said, then, as I remember, he said 'that all my bills would be paid, as I magnified my calling'. I have thought about this from time to time and it still rings true today. That during my last stint of being unemployed all my bills were paid on time.

Isn't this just wonderful?


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