Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Christopher in the Mudd

Here is Christopher enjoying the Mud. He went straight to it and did not want to leave. Splashing and splashing. This was great fun. This is what he should have been doing.

We were are Aaron and Angle Petersons home in Springville helping put in Sprinklers. The Huttons were there, but like Rosalie said, 'Where were the Petersons?"

There were better pictures taken, could you send them to me. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This is what I want in a garden

This post stolen from farmer Kevin Browns page
"I've sure enjoyed the rain.  But I'm looking forward to the sun."
-The Dixie Chicks

In the spring I find it is easy to complain about the weather.  It's too wet, and then it seems to cold, too hot, whatever.  What is harder to do is to appreciate the weather and actually work with it.  We can do greenhouse work while the rain pours down outside and when the sun decides to make a cameo appearance, we rush out and prep beds for seeding, seed, and transplant crops.  There is a comfort that the rain has brought to me, after a long and extra snowy winter, it is nice to know that it is now warm enough for rain.  The crops that we have seeded are taking advantage of the rain.  A walk around the farm today brings sights of many small crops popping up out of the soil.  Beets and carrots are thriving in the hoop houses.  Outside spinach, onions, peas, carrots, beets, lettuce and more poke out from underground.  Transplanted lettuce forms solid red and green blocks of color in the field.  Under row cover, which protects crops from damage done by flea beetles and other insects, cabbage, collards and kale are thriving after having been transplanted.  The buds on the trees are turning green and opening up.  The grass is starting to grow, bugs are arriving, birds are singing in the morning.  There is life to be found everywhere.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Provo Marathon 2011

I did not make it into the hills this week end. Instead I help with
the Provo City Marathon. Actually it was multiple races at once.
The Marathon started at South Fork up Provo Canyon, came down
University Avenue, then on out the Utah Lake and back again.
The Half Marathon started at the City Center, then on out to Utah Lake
and back to the City center.
The Relay Race was as long as the Half Marathon and took the same
course, except that at the 6 mile mark they passed the baton to the
second runner.
The 5K race also started at the City Center and took another course
then ended at the Ciity Center.
You can see in these pictures that the old court house is a Historic
Land mark. You can also see some spires of the Provo Tabernacle. They
have added a great many braces to the remaing walls. I wonder what
will become of the building, since I have not heard of any
These races were unique because each runner had a chip attached to
their shoe. Then when they crossed the finish line the chip would
register the finish time. This takes all the guess work out of who ran
the race, etc.
Since I was helping with Amature Radio communications, we were
concerned with the problems that may have occured during the race. You
can see the first aid tent is emply except for the doctors waiting for
something to do. This year there was no ambulance called. [Could it be
because we were there?]
Then the last picture shows the time at 4 hours. There were still
runners comming in. I think they waited for them all. I would not know
because at 1:30 I packed up and left.

Reception in Pleasant Grove

Joseph and Lexie had a reception in Pleasant Grove for all of their Utah County friends and family. Here Lexie is checking to see of all of the parts are still accounted for. You can also see her legs are shorter than Josephs.

Congratulations to Joseph and Lexie Nelson.

Yes they still like to kiss one another.

I chased Walker around the whole night. My assignment was to make sure he did not eat too much sugar. I think he found an old table cloth and made his own tie. At least it matches the color of all the table cloths.
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Monday, May 02, 2011

New Trails - Found

I have been reviewing maps of the area. I have seen several trails
that go off in other directions. But when hiking I hurry to get to the
destination and forget to look around at the surroundings. I have
walked past these trail heads several times and did not know what they
really were.

So today I was on the lookout for Ireland, Roller Coaster, and Betty.
Well I was also looking for Frank, but it was too far away.

The first picture is the begining of Betty. This pretty much just
goes straight north, until it hits the Great Western Trail.

The next was a picture looking out of Provo Canyon into Spanish Fork
Canyon. I noticed the blades of the wind mills. Can you see them?

The next is of Cascade Peak. It just looked pretty to me. Then when I
looked a little harder I found two hang gliders way off to the right.
That was cool.

The next trail head is Roller Coaster. It is located right by the
inverted 'U' Pipe for an air drain.

The last one is the begining of Ireland.

Has anyone else seen these trails or been on them?

This was a nice and warm day for a hike. It makes up for the last two
weeks of not going for a hike.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Last of April

Ok, so here I was ready to go on my hike again. It was a bit windy on 
Friday. I just could not get out of the house to go for a hike. Why am
I so tired in the afternoon?

So I thought to myself I still could get up early on Saturday morning
and go for a hike before everyone else got up. [I do not know why I
think this. but it was a great start] It only takes an hour or two for the hike.

Then when I finally got up there was three inces of snow in our yard.
I missed my chance again to go for a hike. So all I have is
documentaion of what the weekend was like. So how are the pictures so
far? Do you like them?

I still want to go for a short hike every week in the foot hills. I
wish I had someone to go with.

Bonniville Trail

I did not miss a week. I just finally got back to uploading the pictures.

Do you recognize these trails? I discovered them by experimentation.
This means I was aware of these trails, but had never gone on them. So
now I know of two other trails to hiking on. I still have other trails that I want to explore.

One trail starts at the Lindon boat harbor. It is paved, so a bike
trip on this would be great. Also just to see the sites of the lake
and the mountains from a different view point. I better go back there and take a picture of Timpanogos.

The other is the Bonniville Shorline Trail. I did not realize how
close this comes to houses. In some places you look right down upon
the back yard. I kept on waiting for someone to go sunbathing, but I
guess is was still too cool for that.

From my children

Last week we were released from the High Priest Group. I was first assistant. Bob Holker was Group Leader and Casey Nelson was 2nd assistant. The new Group Leadership is as follows: EJ Wimmer, Desmond Rutland, Darold Ostler.

I casually mentioned this to John and the dinner table and was bombarded with instructions from my children. Now that I have been released, I should go to the Bishop and ask him for another calling. Well I did.

I mentioned this story first to Bishop Steve Heaps then separately to his two counselors, Craig Jacobson and Kevin Powel. They were all delighted to have a member of the ward that is loved by all, to come up to them and ask for a calling. No they were not out of callings.

Oh, I can probably tell you what the calling is, but since this is a public Blog, I should tell you privately.

Thanks for the instructions, from all my children.